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See SPECIAL INFORMATION PAGE under FEATURED LINKS for information from Club 36 programs!

Live Mornings 10:00AM-12:00 NOON
(Special times are noted.)
Also Watch: 8:00PM & Midnight
Club 36 Guests TBA
* Guests dates are subject to change without notice.
* Come join us and be a part of our studio audience 10:00 am - 12:00 pm.
* Watch us on the web at
* Click on "Click Here for Streaming Programming".
* If you have problems picking us up, call (803)278-3618.
* Watch Facebook Live on Watchmen Broadcasting page.
* Your feedback & show ideas are welcomed.
Ways to watch our network:
1. Roku - Search Watchmen Broadcasting
2. Amazon Fire - Search Watchmen Broadcasting
3. Glory Star - Search Watchmen Broadcasting
4. Comcast - channel 12 & 1049
5. WOW - channels 122 & 168
6. ATT Uverse - channel 49 & 1049
7. CSRA Over the air Channel 49.1
8. FaceBook Live - WBPI TV-49
9. Web -
10. Charleston, SC - 12.3
11. Beaufort, SC - 14.3
12. Savannah, GA - 35.3
13. Myrtle Beach, SC - 31.3
14. Gainesville, FL - 32.1
15. Nashville, TN - 9.5
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